- intermediate value
- • вспомогательная величина• промежуточная величина
English-Russian cartography dictionary. 2013.
English-Russian cartography dictionary. 2013.
intermediate value — tarpinė vertė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. intermediary value; intermediate value vok. Zwischenwert, m rus. промежуточное значение, n pranc. valeur intermédiaire, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Intermediate value theorem — In mathematical analysis, the intermediate value theorem states that for each value between the upper and lower bounds of the image of a continuous function there is a corresponding value in its domain mapping to the original.Intermediate value… … Wikipedia
intermediate value theorem — noun a statement that claims that for each value between the least upper bound and greatest lower bound of the image of a continuous function there is a corresponding point in its domain that the function maps to that value … Wiktionary
intermediate-value theorem — /in teuhr mee dee it val yooh/, Math. the theorem that a function continuous between two points and having unequal values, a and b, at the two points takes on all values between a and b. * * * … Universalium
intermediate-value theorem — /in teuhr mee dee it val yooh/, Math. the theorem that a function continuous between two points and having unequal values, a and b, at the two points takes on all values between a and b … Useful english dictionary
Intermediate consumption — is an economic concept used in national accounts, such as the United Nations System of National Accounts (UNSNA) and the US National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA). Conceptually, the aggregate intermediate consumption is equal to the amount… … Wikipedia
Value added — refers to the additional value of a commodity over the cost of commodities used to produce it from the previous stage of production. An example is the price of gasoline at the pump over the price of the oil in it. In national accounts used in… … Wikipedia
Intermediate sanctions — is a term used in regulations enacted by the United States Internal Revenue Service that is applied to non profit organizations who engage in transactions that inure to the benefit of a disqualified person within the organization. These… … Wikipedia
Intermediate good — Intermediate goods or producer goods are goods used as inputs in the production of other goods, such as partly finished goods or raw materials. A firm may make then use intermediate goods, or make then sell, or buy then use them. In the… … Wikipedia
Value and Capital — is a book by the British economist John Richard Hicks, published in 1939. It is considered a classic exposition of microeconomic theory. A central result in consumer demand theory that the book builds on is that goods have value even with only… … Wikipedia
Value product — The value product (VP) is an economic concept formulated by Karl Marx in his critique of political economy during the 1860s, and used in Marxian social accounting theory for capitalist economies. Its annual monetary value is approximately equal… … Wikipedia